How to order in Indian rupees ₹ :

To order in Indian rupees you would need to make a list of the items just like below here:


What is SKU ?

SKU or stock keeping unit is a unique identifier number of the item that distinguish it from other items available in our stock for sale.

How to find SKU?

You can find SKU in description or below of the title of every item. you can see below here in red circle:


Just write down the item if you are ordering a gold plated beads or a silver plated ear wire.


We sell our jewelry findings by bag. Each bag consists a fixed quantity and come in a smartly packed transparent bag. You will also find the SKU number affixed on the pack.

To order you have to write down how many bags you want to order. to learn about the quantity inside the bag please visit description of the item.


To know the prices in Indian rupees please send us the SKU of the item and we will tell you the price in Indian rupee.


We charge flat ₹ 70 for deliver all over India.


GST is 3% like if your total order before shipping is ₹ 1000 then gst will be ₹30 only.

For any other information please call or WhatsApp on +91-9829015946 


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